1.2. Practice dialogues - all languages
Section outline
This section contains pre-recorded dialogues that will allow you to practise your dialogue interpreting skills. These videos include a conversation between an English speaker and a LOTE speaker, for which you will need to interpret. You will be able to pause and rewind the video at any point, allowing you to practise your interactional management skills. In order to simulate the testing environment, we recommend you practice using verbal cues that you would use in a live setting to request pauses and repeats.
The audio recorder built into the activity will allow you to record your performance. You can then download this recording as a .wav file and listen back to it for self-assessment. Note that the recorder may not work on all devices - if this is the case, you can record yourself with a secondary device.
We have provided a Self-Review Sheet (found in section 1.1) which you can use as a guide. You may also want to share your recording with teachers, mentors, or peers to gain additional feedback.
Practice dialogues are provided for your own preparation. You will not receive any results or feedback from NAATI.