Practice materials (spoken languages)
Section outline
This section contains links to the NAATI testing platform, allowing you to practice using the system on which you will complete the sight translation and monologue tasks.
Each practice test includes the following tasks, of comparable complexity and length as a standard NAATI CI test:
- one sight translation task
- one consecutive monologue task
- one simultaneous monologue task
The real test will include tasks in both directions (i.e. six in total), but for the purpose of the practice test we have split them into a generic English into LOTE set and language specific sets for LOTE into English.
You should record your performance on a separate device (e.g. phone or audio recorder) to listen back later and reflect on your performance using the self-review sheet provided.
Practice tests are provided for your own preparation. You will not receive any results or feedback from NAATI.NOTE: practice tests for German, Greek, Indonesian, Hindi, Macedonian, Bangla, Croatian, Sinhalese, Tamil, and Thai coming soon.